Introducing the Gendex GXCB-500 Cone Beam 3-D Imaging System

Another innovation of Cone Beam 3D Imaging System. Introducing the Gendex Dental Systems: GXCB-500 Cone Beam 3-D Imaging System.

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General Information
VendorGendex Dental Systems
ItemGXCB-500 Cone Beam 3-D Imaging System
Product NumberGXCB500
Focal Spot0.5
Footprint48 inches wide x 46 inches deep
Scan Time8.9 sec (.3 and .4 voxel, Standard/EDS Mode)
23 sec (.125, .2 and .25 voxel, Standard Mode)
Installation IncludedYes
Patient PositioningSeated
Primary Reconstruction Time<>
Volume ReconstructionYes
Panoramic ReconstructionYes
Cephalo ReconstructionInquire
DICOM ExportYes (DICOM 3 Compatible)
Plate Dimensions13 x 13 cm
Image DetectorAmorphous Silicon Flat Panel
Software OSInquire
Included Softwarei-CAT Vision™
Gray Scale14 bit
Voxel Size (Slice Thickness).4, .3, .25, .2, .125
Other Included ItemsTraditional Pan imaging plus Cone Beam 3-D
Additional OptionsInquire
Training IncludedInquire

Gendex offers the GXCB-500, an affordable Cone Beam 3-D imaging system powered by industry-leading i-CAT technology. Unique to the GXCB-500 is a ‘medium’ scan area of one or both arches that can extend to encompass the TMJ area, making the system a powerful diagnostic and treatment-planning tool for implant planning, TMJ analysis, and a variety of surgical procedures. The GXCB-500’s Amorphous Silicon Flat Panel sensor yields accurate, highly detailed images at one of the fastest scan and reconstruction rates in the industry. Adding to its value, the system also serves as a traditional 2-D digital panoramic without changing sensors.

Source: HERE

Digital Dental Radiography Review: The DEXIS Digital Diagnostic System

Here's an article by Andrew W. Chin, DDS about digital radiography.

The DEXIS Digital Diagnostic System
By Andrew W. Chin, DDS

Digital radiography is not new to dentistry. It has been in use for over 10 years, and is only becoming more popular and mainstream. There are many companies to choose from. I believe that the DEXIS system is one of the better digital radiography systems on the market today. In general, all digital radiographic systems will reduce the radiation exposure to your patients by about 30-40%. They also reduce the chemicals and raw material waste that go along with traditional radiographs. The quality of digital radiography was always the question, as with traditional photography and digital photography. However, as with digital photographs, digital radiography is getting better (if not surpassing) the traditional films, as our technology improves.

The DEXIS Digital Diagnostic system has been on the market since nearly the beginning of digital radiography. In those years it became the first company to have its digital radiography system receive the American Dental Association Seal of Approval when it was admitted into the ADA Acceptance Program. Recently, DEXIS received the Reality Magazines five-star award for outstanding quality in a digital radiography system. These awards only confirm what I have known through the years working with the system.

The DEXIS hardware is very unique. Most other systems have multiple-sized sensors. The DEXIS system has only one size and the corners are rounded for comfort. Although it is one of the thicker sensors on the market, the rounded corners, which other systems do not have, make a significant difference in patient comfort. Many gaggers have even said that the sensors are much more comfortable and create less of a gag reflex. The sensor and its hardware are easily transferred to adjacent rooms and computers. If your operatories are not networked, the unit can be used on a laptop. The sensor is the weakness of all digital radiograph systems due to its mobility and small fragile size. DEXIS is no different in this respect.

The sensor costs around $6,000 to replace, and about half that if you buy the insurance program and software support. This will run you a yearly fee of about $1,300-$1,800. You can weigh the costs and benefits of not buying the maintenance program. Regardless of what you choose, your assistants will need to treat the sensor with great care.

The entire office will go through a training program provided by the company. The learning curve is fairly fast and not too complex, especially if you are familiar with computers. The DEXIS radiographic system has some excellent clinical features that will improve your clinical diagnosis and efficiency. The actual radiograph will be instantaneous after the radiation has been detected. This image can then be enlarged to fill your monitor, magnified at specific areas, or the resolution can be adjusted at the click of a mouse. There are many other bells and whistles that I do not use, but the most useful feature is something they called ClearVu. This feature will greatly enhance your clinical diagnosis and be more accurate in finding decay or other pathology. Lastly, the DEXIS system has very convenient measuring tools for your endodontic and implant procedures. With so many features, the DEXIS system will help educate your patients and you will see your treatment plans increase in acceptance.

Cost will always be a factor in these types of high tech equipment. The entire system will run over $10,000, and don’t forget those yearly maintenance costs. The DEXIS system will have other costs in bridging software if you want/need to integrate it with your practice management software. I have integrated it with mine and have had no complications. Even with these costs the system will save you time and will make you much more efficient. Ultimately you will produce more because of the increased efficiency and the ease of presenting your treatment plan by educating patients with the DEXIS system.

DEXIS is the most highly awarded digital X-ray system, well-known for unique features like "One-Click FMS” and ClearVU™ image enhancement. The new DEXIS Platinum Sensor with PureImage™ technology has three distinct advantages:
  1. A smart design that places the electronics on the sensor’s back so the active imaging area is almost 100% of the total sensor size.
  2. An advanced ergonomic design featuring four rounded corners, a slim profile, and a seamless casing, allowing precise sensor placement while assuring optimal patient comfort.
  3. A patented cord placement that allows for vertical AND horizontal bitewings and all peripherals with a single sensor, thus eliminating the cost and inconvenience of multiple sensors of different sizes.
DEXIS features a direct USB connection, with no controllers or docking stations. DEXIS also offers easy integration with practice management programs, digital pan systems, cameras, and scanners allowing the clinician to capture, store, and access all X-ray and camera images through one convenient Imaging Hub.

For more information about DEXIS product check here

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Dental Imaging Software Application

Dental imaging software offers easy-to-use, full-featured dental programs that completely integrate dental practice management, digital dental imaging and patient clinical charting.

For more complex imaging requirements, dental practitioners really need dental imaging software. It is very common to use one program for dental practice management and a different program for image management. If you are using digital radiography, then your hardware vendor will have an imaging program you can purchase. Examples include Dexis, Schick, and Gendex VixWin. There are also independent software products such as XDR, TigerView, and Apteryx which work very well.,

ADSTRA is one of the company promoting dental imaging software solution. ADSTRA Imaging™ is a world class, comprehensive software designed to manage dental images provides easy image capture from intraoral cameras, video microscopes, scanners, and intraoral, panoramic and cephalometric digital x-ray devices. With ease and flexibility, ADSTRA Imaging™ enables users to view images when they want them.

Another company who offers dental imaging softwre is Kodak. They have dental imaging software for Windows. KODAK Dental Imaging Software serves as the control panel for all of our digital imaging systems. Its flexible user interface has been designed specifically for dental radiological diagnosis, and can be used as a standalone program or integrated with your practice management software.

There are other companies providing dental imaging software that you can choose from. These dental imaging software will always depend on your dental imaging equipment.

Alarming News: Ten Dental X-rays 'Raise Cancer Risk'

Dental X-rays given to millions of Britons every year may dramatically increase the risk of thyroid cancer, scientists warned last night.

Researchers found that patients who had been X-rayed by their dentist at least ten times were more likely to develop the disease.

They have now warned that X-rays should not be given at check-ups or when registering new patients - despite these practices being common in many dental surgeries.

Regular dental check-ups are important to maintain healthy gums and teeth, but scientists have found a link between dental x-rays and thyroid cancer

How the dental X-rays work when a patient visits the dentist for a check up

With rates of thyroid cancer more than doubling in 30 years, the scientists said that the potential dangers of dental X-rays were often overlooked.

Researcher Dr Anjum Memon, of Brighton and Sussex Medical School, said: 'Our study highlights the concern that, like chest or other upper body Xrays, dental X-rays should be prescribed when the patient has a specific clinical need, and not as part of routine check-up or when registering with a dentist.'

'A Safe and valuable tool in caring for our patients' By Dr Martin Fallowfield Peterborough dentist and British Dental Association spokesman

X-rays are a vital tool across medicine and dentistry.

Dentists employ them in one of two ways: either as a screening device as part of a thorough examination to assess gums, teeth or bones, or to help investigate a particular problem or prepare for a procedure such as implants.

X-rays can reveal problems that simply can't be observed by the naked eye. Tooth decay, for instance, can be far more extensive than it appears.

An X-ray provides the full picture - often before pain or discomfort make the full extent of the problem plain to the patient.

The general principle dentists adhere to is that as few dental X-rays as is practicably possible should be taken. But each patient is different, and their care requires dental X-rays at different intervals and for different reasons.

The need for X-rays won't go away though, and dentists are required to undertake training to ensure they are up to date with the latest techniques in deciding when and how to take X-rays.

That keeps this hugely valuable tool safe and at our disposal in caring for our patients.

Dental leaders recommended that patients protect their thyroid - a hormone-releasing gland at the base of the neck - by wearing lightweight lead collars or bibs when being X-rayed.

The researchers asked 313 thyroid cancer patients and a similar number of healthy volunteers how many dental Xrays they had undergone.

After factoring in any hospital X-rays participants had had, they found that men and women who had had up to four dental X-rays were more than twice as likely to have developed the disease than those who had never had any.

Between five and nine X-rays and their risk rose more than four-fold, the journal Acta Oncologica reports.

In most danger were those who had had ten or more X-rays - their risk was 5.4 times that of someone who had never been X-rayed in the dentist's chair.

The researchers relied on patients' recollections, rather than dental records, but said that despite this, the finding was significant.

Dr Memon added that the results were supported by previous reports of increased risk of thyroid cancer in dentists, dental assistants and X-ray workers, suggesting that multiple low-dose exposures may be harmful.

Dr Memon, who carried out the research with experts from Cambridge and Kuwait universities, said: 'It is important that our study is repeated with information from dental records including frequency of X-rays, age and dose at exposure.

'If the results are confirmed, then the use of X-rays as a necessary part of evaluation for new patients, and routine periodic dental radiography, at six to 12 months interval, particularly for children and adolescents, will need to be reconsidered, as will a greater use of lead collar protection.'

But British dentists pointed out that the study was carried out in Kuwait, where rates of thyroid cancer are much higher than in the UK, and said the researchers did not know what sort of X-ray equipment had been used.

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, said: 'The number of X-rays being taken in dental practice in the UK has greatly reduced in recent years and the dosages from modern equipment are extremely low.

'Dental X-rays have a valuable role in the diagnosis of dental disease.'


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